In order to share your skills with the world, you need contracts which you can rely on. Ideally you need them to be written in a way which is accessible and so that your clients and those who are working with you have complete clarity on the agreement.

At Wheeler Wood we specialise in providing clear documentation which will support you to run your business efficiently.


The part of running a business everyone wants to avoid is litigation. However, in some instances it is necessary to protect your brand and to enforce the terms of an agreement.

We can support you with commercial dispute resolution.


You create the brand, let us help you protect it.

Our clients are thought leaders and innovators in the online space and protecting their intellectual property is vital.

We can provide support with:

  • Trade mark applications

  • Queries relating to eligibility for trade marks

  • Brand infringement issues including cease and desist

  • Licensing agreements

  • Franchise opportunities